Bogata, Colombia (a.k.a. Jon's 30th pt 1)


This is almost two years overdue, but worth diggin’ in and pulling out the memories because it was quite honestly the beginning of one of the most memorable trips of our lives.

One of our favorite things to do when we travel is to invite as many people along as possible. For Jon’s 30th we wanted to ball out somewhere warm and a big fancy house which is how we ended in in Bonaire, but more on that later. As we were planning this trip, our dear friend Sarah noticed that many of our flights were making a stopover in Bogota and we thought, “why not extend that layover and explore?”

We didn’t have much of a plan other than hit the main sights, eat as much as humanly possible, and keep a polite caffeine and tequila buzz.

We don’t have a ton to say about Bogota aside from maybe 1) definitely bring somebody who speaks decent Spanish and 2) the coffee really is out of this world good.

Do yourself a favor and savor life moments with friends & family.